Advanced Dynamics and Control Group


The Advanced Dynamics and Control group focuses on the development and implementation of guidance, navigation and control of aerospace systems and research on a broad range of topics focused on flight dynamics. The group supports activities aimed at advancing aviation and space technologies through the development of concepts, implementation and demonstration of solutions with research efforts that span several areas, including but not limited to: investigation of technologies to integrate UASs into the National Air Space; design of intelligent systems to increase aviation flight safety; application of robotic technologies for future space missions; fundamental and applied research in manned and unmanned aerospace systems including avionics and payload systems design, aircraft modeling and parameter identification, multiple sensor fusion, formation flight control, human-machine interface, and remote sensing.

The research group involves graduate and undergratudate students motivated to learning and performing research on a broad range of topics in Dynamics and Control.


  • We are thrilled to announce our most recent paper published in Acta Astronautica Journal, discussing the use of machine learning generative models to enhance the accuracy of vision-aided relative positioning in space proximity operations. Check out this link to access the online publication.
  • Our research work on mitigation of pilot-induced-oscillations using machine learning was recently highlighted by the ERAU news! Follow this link to the press release. Press Release.
  • We are very proud to announce that one of our graduate students, Gabriela Gavilanez, recently was named one to the Aviation Week Network’s 20 Twenty Class of 2024. Big news! Congratulations, Gabriela! Follow this link to the press release. Press Release.
  • Our Ph.D. student Michael Budihartono attended AUVSI Conference and demontrated the capabilities of Vicon system performing coordinated flight of multi-agent crazyflie system. Here the link.
  • Our group presented five conference papers at the AIAA SciTech Conference 2023, held in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Hever Moncayo was a Visiting Researcher at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory during Summer 2022.
  • Hever Moncayo is now AIAA Associate Fellow, Class of 2022.
  • Research project sponsored by the U.S Air Force was featured in the ERAU news. Here the link.
  • Our group presented five conference papers at the AIAA SciTech Conference 2022, held in San Diego, California.
    • Our group is currently participating in an exhibition "Eyes in the Sky" at the Daytona Museum of Arts and Sciences . Here the link.
    • Our group receives two grants from FAA to research technologies to allow safety integration of UAS in the National Airspace System. Here the story.
    • Our group was featured in a recent aired story by UNIVISION 23 news (content in Spanish). Here the story.
    • One of our graduate students uses 3-D printing to help Guide, Control 'Asteroid jumping' Spacecraft. Here the story.
    • ADC group successfully demonstrated in flight testing the implementation of a discrete version of a L1-adaptive controller in one quadrotor. The control laws are designed to rejecting wind disturbance using low cost hardware PX4.


  • NASA Astronaut Lt. Col Bob Hines and his staff visited our lab.
  • Our team also demonstrated last week in flight testing the implementation of a Single Hidden Layer Sigmoidal Neural Network based adaptive controller for rejecting wind in a quadcopter. Low cost hardware was also demonstrated to handle the processing requirements.
  • Embry-Riddle Receives $1 Million from DARPA for Phase II of Intelligent Aerial Systems Project.
  • Embry-Riddle Researchers Receive $500,000 NASA Award to Study Kite-Surfing in the Stratosphere for Communications.

Mission to Mars


Free-Flying Unmanned Robotic Spacecraft for Asteroid Resource Prospecting and Characterization. An integrated autonomous free-flyer robotic spacecraft system is developed to support the exploration and subsequent resource utilization of asteroids as well as other planetary bodies and moons.

Stratosphere Satellite


The Dual-Aircraft Platform (DAP) is a novel concept for achieving a low-cost atmospheric satellite in the lower stratosphere which utilizes a combination of wind and solar energy capture.

Here we work together and many more projects are coming up.

Let's work together
