F. D., Moncayo, H., Hybrid Immunized Swarm Optimization Concept for Resilient Coordinated Missions, AIAA SciTech Conference, January, 2020, Orlando Florida.
Bakori, M., Moncayo, H., UAS Model Identification and Simulation to Support In-Flight Testing of Discrete Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control Laws, AIAA SciTech Conference, January, 2020, Orlando Florida..
Irigireddy, S., Moncayo, H., Rivera, K., Vision Based Relative Navigation for Close-Formation Flight Missions, AIAA SciTech Conference, January, 2020, Orlando Florida..
Verberne, J., Moncayo, H., Comparison of Adaptive Control Laws for Wind Rejection in Quadrotor UAVs, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Park City, Utah, Oct. 2019..
Rivera, K., Moncayo, H., Verberne, Johannes, F, D. Design and Implementation of Intelligent Decision-Making Algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Mission Protection, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Jan. 2019, San Diego, California..
Verberne, J., Betancur, A., Rivera, K., Coulter., N., Moncayo, H., Comparison of MRAC and L1 Adaptive Controllers for a Gimbaled Mini-Free Flyer, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Jan. 2019, San Diego, California.
Betancur, A., Memon, W., Moncayo, H., Design and Development of a Test Bed with Active Tracking Control to Support Gravity Off-loading, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Jan. 2019, San Diego, California.
Coulter, N., Moncayo, H., Comparison of Optimal and Bio-Inspired Adaptive Control Laws for a Spacecraft with Fuel Slosh Dynamics, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Jan. 2019, San Diego, California..
Coulter, N., Moncayo, H., Engblom, W., Virtual Demonstration of a Novel Stratospheric Dual Aircraft Platform Concept, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June, 2018..
Coulter, N., Moncayo, H., Engblom, W., Evaluation and Comparison of Sailing Flight Optimization Algorithms for a Stratospheric Dual Aircraft Platform Concept, AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June, 2018.
Nshuti, C., Moncayo, H., Engblom, W., F, D., Modeling, Simulation and Flight Testing to Support Proof of a Stratospheric Dual Aircraft Platform Concept, AIAA SciTech Conference, UAS Missions and Applications II, Orlando, FL, January, 2018.
Garcia, D., Perez, A.,Moncayo, H., Rivera, K., Dupuis, M., Mueller, R., Spacecraft Heath Monitoring Using a Biomimetic Fault Diagnosis Scheme, SciTech Conference, Grapevine, Texas, Jan., 2017.
Garcia, D., Moncayo, H., Perez, A., Jain, C., Low Cost Implementation of a Biomimetic Approach for UAV Health Management, American Control Conference, Boston, Ma. July 3 to 6, 2016
Perez, A., Moncayo, H., Prazenica, R., Zacny, K., Mueller, R., Dupuis, M., Ebert, T., Free-Flying Robotic System for Interplanetary Prospecting and In Situ Resource Utilization, ASCE Earth and Space 2016 Conference, Orlando, FL.
Perez, A., Moncayo, H., Prazenica, R., Zacny, K., Mueller, R., Dupuis, M., Ebert, T., Control Laws Development for a Free-Flying Unmanned Robotic System to Support Interplanetary Bodies Prospecting and Characterization Missions, SciTech Conference, GNC, Aerospace Robotics and Unmanned/Autonomous Systems IV, January 5, 2016.
Zacny, K., Yaggi, B., Spring, J., Chu, P., Mueller, R., Ebert, T., Dupuis, M., Moncayo, H., Prazenica, R., Sample Acqusition Systems for a Free-Flying Unmanned Robotic System to Support Interplanetary Bodies Prospecting and Characterization Missions, SciTech Conference, Extraterrestrial Water: Prospecting and Acquisition, January 4, 2016.
Moncayo, H., Prazenica, R., Zacny, K., Free-Flyer Robotic Spacecraft for Exploration and In Situ Resource Utilization of Interplanetary Bodies, 5Th International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications, Lunar Landers, Lunar Surface Sceince and Lunar ISRU, April, 2015, Cocoa Beach, FL.
Stansbury, R., Moncayo, H., Currier, P., A Graduate Program in Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Engineering, ASEE Southeast Section Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, Seattle, WA, 2015
Perez, A., Moncayo, H., Togayev, A., Perhinschi, M., Al Azzawi, D., Pilot-in-the-Loop Evaluation of a Bio-Inspired Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control System in a Motion Based Flight Simulator, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA Science and Technology Forum, Orlando, FL., January 2015.
Moguel, I; Moncayo, H., Perez, A; Perhinschi, M., In-Flight Testing of a Bio-Inspired Approach for Assessment of an UAV Outside Bounds of Nominal Design, AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, AIAA Science and Technology Forum Orlando, FL., January 2015.
Chan, M., Moncayo, H., Perez, A, Prazenica, R, Kim, D., Azizi, B., Development and Flight Testing of an Unmanned Aerial System with Micro-Fiber Composite Actuators, AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, AIAA Science and Technology Forum Orlando, FL., January 2015.
Anderson, A., Moncayo, H., Prazenica, R., Mirmirani, M., Noriega, A., Burnett, B., Gehlot, V., Kern, Z., Development of a Surrogate Autonomous Aircraft for Entry in the NASA Airspace Operation Challenge, AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, AIAA Science and Technology Forum Orlando, FL., January 2015.
Perez A. E., Moncayo H., Moguel I., Perhinschi M. G., Al Azawii D., Togayev A., Immunity-based Adaptive Control Laws for Aircraft Fault Tolerance, ASME Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 2014.
Togayev A., Perhinschi M. G., Al Azawii D., Moncayo H., Moguel I., Perez A. E., Immunity-Based Abnormal Condition Accommodation of Aircraft Sub-system Failures, ASME Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 2014.
Perez A. E., Moguel I., Moncayo H., Chan C. May; Low Cost Autopilot System for an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial System, International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 2014.
Al Azawii D., Perhinschi M. G., Togayev A., Moncayo H., Moguel I., Perez A. E., Evaluating Aircraft Abnormal Conditions Using an Artificial Dendritic Cell Mechanism, International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 2014.
Moguel I., Moncayo H., Perhinschi M. G., Al Azawii D., Perez A. E., Togayev A., Biologically-Inspired Approach for Aircraft Management under Upset Conditions, International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 2014.
Prazenica, R., Kim, D., Moncayo, H., Azizi, B., Chan, M., Design, Characterization, and Testing of Macro-Fiber Composite Actuators for Integration on a Fixed-Wing UAV, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems VIII, SPIE Conference, March 2014.