Dual-Aircraft Platform (DAP)

- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- SBIR/STTR Technologies
Flight Demonstration of Novel Atmospheric Satellite Concept
The Dual-Aircraft Platform (DAP) is a Phase II NASA Innovative and Advanced Concepts (NIAC) research effort investigating a novel concept for achieving a low-cost atmospheric satellite in the lower stratosphere which utilizes a combination of wind and solar energy capture. DAP consists of two glider-like unmanned aircraft connected via a thin, ultra-strong cable. Long duration flight simulations have shown the platform could literally sail without propulsion, using levels of wind shear persistently found near 60,000-ft, and substantially increase the energy available for useful payload operations. The central objective of the Phase II effort is to perform autonomous proof-of-concept flight demonstrations of the DAP concept using a small-scale prototype at low altitude. Related objectives are developing specific flight maneuvers and mechanisms required for station keeping and validate the autonomous guidance and control software.
ADCL at the News with DAP Project